With millions and billions of users across the world, Instagram stores tons and tons of information about users. From private messages in DM to bank account details. Hacking someone’s Instagram account can reveal a lot of things. Couples often search “how to hack Instagram account” in order to check on his/her partner’s loyalty.
If you are also searching for the answer to the same question, here is the answer. Hacking Instagram accounts can be done in multiple ways. Let’s look at the three most common ways in detail:
Method 1: Phishing Pages

Phishing is a hacking process that involves creating a fake login page that closely resembles Instagram’s official login page. In phishing attacks, attackers trick target users into entering their credentials on this fake page. Once the user submits their information, it is captured by the attacker. Let’s look at how to hack Instagram and get verified using:
- Select the target Instagram account.
- By using a phishing kit that contains fake web pages similar to legitimate sites, create a fake page.
- Now you need to upload this page to a web hosting with a similar-looking URL to the legitimate one. This often has 1 or 2 alphabetical variations.
- Now, this is sent to the victim by email or SMS, which looks very much like the authentic source.
- Attackers record the credentials and data when the victim enters them into this phishing page.
In 2019, a large-scale phishing campaign targeted Instagram users by sending them direct messages (DMs) claiming there was suspicious activity on their accounts. The message included a link to a fake login page. Many users fell for this trick and entered their credentials, resulting in their accounts being compromised.
Method 2: Social Engineering

Social engineering manipulates individuals into exposing confidential information. This technique often involves psychological manipulation to trick people into breaking normal security procedures. It is one of the popular methods used by attackers to get someone’s Instagram password. Here is how you can use social engineering to hack Instagram account:
- Gain information about the person whose account you want to hack such as Date of birth, job role, interests, and relationships.
- Guess the password with the provided information, such as passwords, personal details, or financial information.
- After multiple attempts, you may be able to crack the password and get access to the account.
A notable case occurred when attackers posed as Instagram support staff, contacting users via email or DM to resolve a supposed issue with their account. They provided a link to verify the user’s identity, which led to a page where the victim entered their login details. Once submitted, the attackers used the credentials to access and take control of the victim’s account.
Method 3: Brute Force Attacks

A brute force attack involves systematically trying all possible password combinations until the correct one is found. This method relies on the weakness of simple or common passwords.
This is one of the most common ways to hack an Instagram account. Let’s look at the steps in detail.
- Select the target account which you want to hack
- Gather information such as username or email addresses about the person whose account you want to hack.
- You can either attempt all the possible combinations of characters to find the right one or use a dictionary attack.
A dictionary attack uses a precompiled list of expected passwords to test against the target system. These lists often contain common passwords, leaked passwords, and variations. Cyber attacks offen use this method to get someone Instagram password.
There are various Brute Force Tools that can help you hack your Instagram account. One such widely used tool is Hydra. It performs brute force attacks against many protocols and services like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and more.
In 2018, an incident known as the “Instashell” attack used a brute force tool designed specifically to hack Instagram accounts. The tool exploited a flaw in Instagram’s login mechanism that allows attackers to try thousands of password combinations without triggering a lockout. Several accounts with weak passwords were compromised before Instagram patched the vulnerability.
Final Line:
How to hack Instagram account is one of the most common things searched on Google. However, there are only a few sources that give you step-by-step guides on it. But, worry not, here we have mentioned three methods to hack any Instagram account.
Disclaimer: This blog is only for knowledge purposes.
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